How RAM and ROM Work?


There are more and more people using smartphones now. Many mobile phone and tablet manufacturers have refreshed the hardware configuration of smart phones in order to gain market share. Among them, RAM and ROM are one of the important parameters. Many mobile phone slogans basically have their two figures, but because the concept is relatively close, many people do not know How RAM and ROM work? the difference between RAM and ROM here we explained RAM and ROM.

What is RAM?

What is the meaning of the mobile phone RAM capacity in front of me? RAM is called “Random Access Memory”. It is like when we are calculating math problems, we need a draft paper to record every step of our calculation, and the RAM in mobile phones or tablets is also like this.

Nowadays, smartphones and tablets are getting stronger and stronger. The configuration can basically be said to be an ultra-portable computer. The computing tasks of mobile phones and tablets are also many, so it also needs to be drafted. The draft is useless after the draft is finished, or it can be wiped off. The RAM is also turned off after the RAM chip is powered off, and the contents are automatically lost. So it is called random access memory. RAM can’t save data, because it is blank after power off.

During the execution of a program, some of its most important files are loaded into RAM (RAM), remaining until the application is closed. And the processor itself directly executes these files, saving the results. The memory stores all the codes of keys pressed and the amount of mathematical operations performed. After executing the “Save” command, everything that is on the RAM is saved to the hard disk.

Most PC users tend to increase the amount of RAM, since it affects the speed of all downloaded processes. This is especially valuable when running demanding programs, such as games or various graphic editors. And, accordingly, the greater the amount of RAM, the faster the gameplay and editing.

Also Read – Random Access Memory Explained

What is ROM?

The full name of the ROM is “Read-Only Memory”. We can’t find the difference between it and RAM by such a name. Read-only memory means that the data inside is only readable and not written. Of course, although the ROM is read-only, we can modify the data in the ROM by saying “brush, brush ROM”.

Our smartphones and tablet operating systems and random software (a lot of binding applications in the contract machine) are stored in the ROM, the role of ROM can be seen as the operating system disk in your computer (such as C disk).

Because the ROM is read-only, we can’t delete the software inside and can’t modify the system. This guarantees the security of the system to a certain extent, but it also limits many functions. A variety of applications, some are still unsafe applications, and brushing is necessary.

Through the above explanation of the ROM, you will find that the difference between RAM and ROM is still quite large. The larger the ROM capacity means that we can store more software or brush into a more powerful system. However, the ROM size has little to do with the running speed of the system, and the RAM is different. It has a great impact on performance, especially when running large programs.

In short, in simple terms, RAM determines how many applications (including the foreground and background) your phone can run at the same time; and ROM determines how much video, music, software, etc. your phone can store.

RAM is a volatile memory. It means something very specific: when it is not powered, the RAM is emptied. In other words, when we turn off the computer automatically we delete everything that was on RAM and that was previously used to start programs of various kinds. Using a metaphor, RAM is the “workbench” of the CPU.

Even the ROM is a type of memory. But it presents a first, significant difference with RAM: the Read-only memory (ROM) is, as the name implies, a read-only memory.

Some examples? The BIOS (Basic input output system, which is the set of fundamental data to make the computer work) is usually written on ROM, as it is data that should not be deleted. There are also external ROMs, such as old floppy disks, CDs, and DVDs.

The difference between RAM and ROM is all here: it may seem a trivial matter, but in reality, it is essential for the proper functioning of the computer.

Also Read – Computer Memory (Cache, Primary and Secondary)_


Each type of memory is useful in all kinds of computing and smart devices. Whether short-term or long-term memory, RAM and ROM are essential for the right and quick functioning for your laptop as well as smartphone.

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