Bursting the Myths About Studying Abroad

study abroad myths

Studying abroad is considered a big deal in India. Many myths and false information is available on online and offline platforms related to studying abroad. Studying abroad sounds fancy to us, and we feel that foreign countries offer a better education than India. Like many other rumors, it is also a myth that all foreign universities provide the best education. Students found studying abroad very impressive and believe that a foreign university degree will land them on a better job. It is best to go for career counselling before making your mind about a foreign university course. 

Globalization has made the world small, and now students don’t hesitate to visit another country for better education. Some myths about studying abroad hold brilliant students back from taking this risk. In this article, we will burst the studying abroad myths and discuss the facts related to them. Studying abroad costs a reasonable amount, so its better to get career counselling before paying the fee to study abroad. 

Myths About Studying Abroad 

Visiting another country for education is a dream of many students. India is doing well in the study, but a few countries are doing even better, and there is no harm to get a degree from a foreign university. An ideal student must travel to any country to gain knowledge. Most students want to get a degree from a foreign university but could not reach it due to the rumors about studying abroad. Let’s check out the standard false information about studying abroad and find out the facts. Here we have compiled both, read on the article to know about them; 

Myth #1: Studying Abroad is Costly 

Fact: The most common myth about studying abroad is its high cost. People think that going abroad to study will make a hole in their pockets. The myth is neither false nor correct. Studying abroad can be costly if the duration, of course, is long and the country is expensive. 

When you plan to shift to another country for education purposes, then college fee is just one expense. Along with this, you will have to make the accommodation arrangements. You are traveling to another country on a student visa, so you will not be authorized to work there. 

The country you are visiting for education plays a vital role in cost. Education in developing countries is cheaper than in developed countries. If you get a scholarship from any foreign university, then education abroad will cost you as little as it is in India. So, not all foreign universities offer costly education to the students. 

 Myth #2: Studying abroad is fun

Fact: Many students want to get admission to foreign universities to study, but a few are influenced by Hollywood movies and want to go to other countries to have fun. Let’s give a reality check to the students who think that studying abroad is a glorified vacation. The out of college life in a country depends on its culture, but you have to do many other things instead of night outs, parties, and hookups when you are a student. Study in college is not that easy, and you will have to put your heart and soul into it to grab good marks.

Myth #3: Europe is the only destination to study abroad. 

Another common myth about studying abroad is its destination. Most of the students believe that Europe is the only and the best destination to study abroad. For this myth also we would give the credits to movies. The fact is all the countries have some excellent universities. The UK has been one of the most preferred designations for students that want to study abroad. Italy, France, Australia, China are also doing well in the education sector. Earlier, Europe used to be the only place where students could get the better education, but now other economical options are rising for the students. In recent years India, Turkey, and Brazil have emerged as economically sound options to study. 

Myth #4: Potential employers don’t prefer foreign university’ pass-outs.

Fact:  The employers look for stability in an employee. It can be a reason that a few may feel that employees with foreign education may fly soon. The myth does not apply to all employers. People who have studied abroad know about different cultures, so many employers prefer them. The students learn soft skills while studying abroad, which helps them in their professional lives. So the fact is, employers, don’t differentiate in job seekers based on their studying location. They love to hire someone who has studied abroad. 

Myth #5: Travelling abroad gives a similar exposer to studying in the country. 

Fact: Many people believe in this myth and don’t take studying abroad seriously. The tale is far from reality as you cannot compare travelling and studies. When you travel to other countries, you get exposed to their culture, food, tradition, and language. The experience helps you in your work and professional life, but it will not give you the exposer like studies. When you visit a country, the tenure is short, and the purpose can be many. But when you land in another country to study, your aim is precise. You spend more time in study and learn the traditions, language, and values of the country. You cannot compare travelling and studying abroad. Both are important from a career perspective, but preference will be given to a foreign university’s education. 

Myth #6: Study abroad helps only in one or two fields. 

Fact: Medical and management are the most talked about courses when we discuss foreign studies. It’s a myth that the students go abroad to study either management courses or Medical courses. Foreign universities offer education in all subjects including Engineering, Mass Communication, Literature, Science, Maths and many more. A student can enroll in another country’s university to get an education in any of the mentioned topics. They will gain knowledge in all subjects through a global lens, which will help them in their careers.  

The Bottom Line

If you want to study abroad and if any of the above mentioned myths is holding you back, you can make your mind to enroll in abroad education. If you have other confusion about studying abroad, then write us for better career counselling and guidance.

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