Weekly Current Affairs Quiz – 24 February to 1 March 2020

weekly current affairs quiz

The weekly current affairs for the week is right here, test your GK with us. This weekly current affairs quiz has questions based on the important events of last week. If you are reading newspapers daily, then you can answer these questions easily. If you miss on reading newspaper, this section will help you cover what you have missed. Give this current affairs quiz a try and share your score with us in the comment section below.

National Current Affairs

Q.1 As per IMF data, what is the position of India in the list of the world’s largest economies?

Q.2 Who has been appointed as the advisor to Prime Minister Narendra Modi?

Q.3 The government of which Indian state is working towards making it ‘Steel hub for India’?

Q.4 Maharashtra government put bans on the cultivation centers of which fish?

Q.5 Which state government has decided to undertake the genetic study for the conservation of the native species of domestic animals?

Q.6 Where the general meeting of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research was held?

Q.7 On which day India’s First Protein Day has been observed? 

International Current Affairs

Q.8 How much amount Asian Development Bank has sectioned to a member of countries in Asia and Pacific to fight against Corona Virus?

Q.9 After the visit of US President Donald Trump, president of which country visited India?

Q.10 Which country withdraws from UNHRC resolution?

Q.11 What is the worth of defense deal that India has signed with the US during the visit of the president of US Donald Trump?


Q.12 who has been appointed as the next Police Commissioner of Delhi?

Q.13 When the ISRO will launch its Geo Imaging Satellite- GISAT-1?

Q.14 Name the five times Grand Slam champion who recently announced her retirement from tennis?

Q.15 What is the name of Smartphone company that will ISRO’s NavlC Technology in its Smartphone?

Current Affairs Quiz Answers

All the questions asked in this weekly current affairs quiz are based on the recent events. With an aim to help you score good in GK section of your upcoming exam, we have prepared the answer section. If you get stuck somewhere, check the answer and try to remember it. For every correct answer award one mark and make no deductions for wrong answers. Share your score with us and let us know if you have any more questions.

Ans.1 India has become the world’s 5th largest economy after overtaking France and the United Kingdom. India got this new position according to per IMF’s October World Economic Outlook. Earlier Indian dropped sown from the list due to slow down in the economy. 

Ans.2 Retired IAS officers Bhaskar Khulbe and Amarjeet Sinha have appointed as Advisors to Prime Minister Narendra Modi February 21, 2020. The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) has approved the appointments in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) in the rank and scale of Secretary. 

Ans.3 The government of Chhattisgarh is planning to make it a steel hub of the country. This announcement was made by the Union Minister for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Steel Dharmendra Pradhan.

Ans.4 The government of Maharashtra put bans on the cultivation centers of Thai Mangur fish.

Ans.5 The government of Maharashtra has decided to undertake the genetic study for the conservation of the native species of domestic animals. 

Ans.6 The general meeting of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) was held in Delhi. 

Ans.7 India’s first Protein Day is observed on February 27 to spread awareness about the benefit of protein among Indians. 

Ans.8 The Asian Development Bank has sectioned 4 million USD to the member of countries in Asia and Pacific to fight against Corona Virus.

Ans.10 Sri Lankan government has formally withdrawn from UNHRC (United National Human Rights Council) resolution on February 27, 2020.

Ans.11 With United, State India signed a defense deal of worth $3 billion. India will be purchasing modern and advanced military equipment from the US like MH-60 Romeo and Apache helicopters.

Ans.12 The Ministry of Home Affairs has issued an order to appoint SN Shrivastava, the IPS officer of 1885 batch, as the next Police Commissioner of Delhi. 

Ans.13 ISRO will launch its Geo Imaging Satellite- GISAT-1 on March 5, 2020. 

Ans.14 Maria Sharapova bid farewell to tennis at the age of 32. She announced her retirement from tennis on February 26, 2020.

Ans.15 Xiaomi will bring the ISRO’s technology of Indian Regional Satellite System, NavlC, on its Smartphone.


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