Gujarat Government’s Suryashakti kisan Yojana (SKY): All To Know

Suryashakti kisan Yojana (SKY)

In the recent past, we have seen the givers and providers of our nation take to streets and march in unison. The farmer is the true essence of India. The farmer represents the whole being of ours since India was and is primarily an agriculture rich country. The rivers, which breathe life into our soils, have made the farmer comfortable.  Keeping in mind the food supply the Gujarat Government has started the ‘Surya Shakti Kisan Yojana’ to solve the problems of our providers- the farmer.  This is another yojana after the Jyoti Gram Yojana, which gave power to nearly 20,000 villages in Gujarat. The scheme aims to provide a permanent and efficient solution to all the arising problems of our farmers.

The Surya Shakti Kisan Yojana (SKY) as it spells aims to harness the power of the brightest star – the Sun- and provide power to the farmers. This will be undertaken by the government of Gujarat to provide relief to the farmers in need and give an alternate and green source of power. The scheme once implemented and completed will get a power output of 175 MW per year. This would definitely make the farmer overjoyed.

This electricity provided by the solar panels installed for the Yojana will provide power for the daily needs of the farmer. The saved up electricity can be sold to neighboring states and the earnings will god to the farmers.

Focus Points

  • The scheme has been launched by the Gujarat government and it’s a 850 crore scheme. The cost of which will be given as loans to the farmer from NABARD.
  • For putting up and setting up of the scheme, the farmers will only have to spend 5% of the total expenditure on the solar project.
  • Central and state Governments are going to bear 60% of the cost and in turn over a period of seven years, the farmers will bear 35% of the cost.
  • After the installation of all the solar panels, the farmers will get an uninterrupted supply of power for over 12 hours and this without any fluctuations.
  • This scheme has been launched for those farmers who are taking electricity from power companies. In the use of this scheme, lot of water and electricity will be saved and consumption will be much lesser.

The farmer will be the winner of the scheme. The SKY will provide the farmer with the amenities and luxury of power generated at his own doorstep thus providing a permanent solution to the problem of power. This way the power will be in the hand of the provider.



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