5 Best Academic Search Engines


Most students, professors, educators and academic researcher want academic search engines that are relevant, uncluttered and helpful. Most of us rely on Google for all type of search including academic research data. Sometimes the information we get from Google may not be so reliable on the part of academics. This article will direct you to five best academic search engines that should meet 90% of your academic research needs.

What Are The Best Academic Search Engines For Your Daily Use?

1. iSeek Education
iSeek is an excellent and reliable search engine for students, teachers, administrators and all who want information on academics. iSeek delivers editor reviewed results from universities, governmental and non-governmental sites. The information present on the search engine is relevant, authoritative, and saves you time on research. If you haven’t heard about it before, waste no time and start using it.

2. Refseek
Refseek is a search engine for students and research. The site makes academic information easily accessible. You will access one billion documents that include web pages, books, encyclopaedia, journals, and newspapers. It is a great source for students that provide quality information. You need to try this.

3. Virtual LRC
The Virtual Learning Resource Centre is an academic site with quality information. Academic information is in index form and is custom with Google search. The Google search will help get more refined results saving you more time on research. The brain behind Virtual LRC is teachers and library professionals around the world. It is a must for all academic research needs.

4. Google Scholar
Google scholar is a branch of Google. It is an academic search with more than 160 million documents. You can access dissertations, books, articles and abstracts from various academic scholars, websites, and universities. You will be able to get relevant literature materials based on your research. If haven’t used Google Scholar yet, you must start using it from today.

5. Academic Info.
Academic Info site contains an in depth of useful directory links. The resources and links provide information on the particular area of study. Browse through this site and get useful academic websites for research. The site not only provides information but also offers online degrees, online courses and distance learning from accredited institutions of learning. It sounds very beneficial, using it will do miraculous help.

If you want to submit quality academic projects and assignments, browse through the above discussed five best academic search engines for quality, reliable and genuine content. Research work will be easy to access and these search engines will make it easier for you. All the best!


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