How Women Can Build A Rewarding Career In The Field Of Fitness?


Are you passionate about a career in fitness and you’re not sure of how to pursue it? Well, this article will enlighten you on what you need, and how you can build your career in fitness.
Fitness industry booming and women are taking fitness as a career. There is a need for healthy living and keeping fit.

What do you need?

  • Once you decide you want a career in fitness, choose a certificate program and enrol for classes.
  • People trust a qualified instructor or trainer. Do your research well. Identify credible institution that offers fitness classes.
  • With the advance in technology, you can take fitness courses online. The choice is yours.
  • You will need to choose a study of your choice, register for an exam, pass exam and be a certified trainer. You can opt to be a one on one trainer or be a group instructor. It’s that simple!
  • You will need a gym or studio. The gym will be your place of work, or you can choose to be an online fitness trainer.
  • You need to stay fit. “Practise what you preach” Client look up to you, be a role model.

How Do You Build Your Career In Fitness?

1. Be a Personal Trainer
With your certificate, you can guide clients through a fitness plan. As a trainer, you can be;

  • Group exercise instructor.
  • One on one trainer.
  • Virtual Trainer.

2. Group Fitness Instructor
As a group instructor, you will lead a group of students through choreographed classes. The classes range from 30 to 90 minutes long. Activities in this class include Zumba, Cardio Barre, Pilates and Bar Sculpt.

You are to participate in all instructions. Remember you are the role model.

3. Yoga Instructor
As a yoga instructor, your work is similar with that of a group fitness instructor. You teach both small to large group of students.

The only difference is that Yoga focuses on breathing exercises, meditation, and balance activities. It is more relaxing than choreographed classes.

You will lead your class to ways of improving their flexibility, meditation abilities, and balance activities, by guiding your students on how to inhale and exhale while doing yoga or meditation.

4. Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant
Today’s lifestyle brings in a lot of health issues. People are busy working and don’t know how to keep a watch on their eating habits, sleeping habits, and all other daily activities. As a lifestyle and weight management consultant, your work is to help those with the desire to change their lifestyle and improve their fitness.

Today many people are struggling with weight problems like obesity, due to today’s lifestyle.
This career will set you apart from other personal trainers. It is competitive because you will have better credentials and you will offer the client more.

5. Health and Wellness Coach
Health and Wellness Coach guides clients on diet change, information on health and diseases they are at risk based on their current health condition. Your focus will be on improving nutrition and physical health.

Bottom Line
As a fitness instructor, trainer and coach it is important for you to know your health, attendees’ health record, and what type of exercise is best for your client. It is your role to lead the class and slow down those whose health is at risk during high energy level exercise.

A successful fitness instructor, trainer or coach is dependable and professional in her work.


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