10 Best Companies to work For in India 2016


Are you searching for the India’s best companies to work for in 2016? Before you start working with a company, some important things to consider about a company are its strength of the employees, motivation, trust, and revenue bracket.

Do you know what makes a good employer?
A good employer is one who:

  • Responses to his or her employee’s needs,
  • Creates a great workplace
  • Creates an environment of trust and engagement
  • Gives excellent compensation packages
  • Allows engagement
  • Communicates effectively and always
  • Transparent about the company

The following are the best Indian companies to work for in 2016.
1. Google India. Google India has 1683 employees and creates an excellent working environment for its employees. Google India admits it hires talented people, and it has to inspire them as they work. Google is known for pampering its employees with spa and massages.

2. American Express. American Express India provides travelling services. It has a total of 10498 employees. American Express offers fitness training to its workers.

3. Ujjivan Financial Services. The company went public with stock options which made its people rich. Ujjovan looks at his employees as key stakeholders believe customers will be happy when employees are happy.

4. Tele-performance. Tele-performance empowers, motivates and gives its employees a better sense of ownership. The companies go ahead to give free transport, food, shower room, pool table, gym, and support local schools.

5. Godrej Consumer Products. The company notices quality work of the employee, not the hours put into the work. The company policies are very flexible, open, and the leadership team is approachable.

6. Marriot Hotels India. Marriot hotel culture of empowerment to its employees has put it on the top mark of the best companies to work for in 2016.Their open door policy is tremendous and is not in other hotels in India. Marriot employs more than 8,000 persons.

7. SAP Lab India. The company focuses on improving existing benefits and policies for their workers. Senior management mentors the young workers. The company promotes and encourages innovation. Platforms are created for employees to set up and forward ideas.

8. Oberoi Group. Oberoi Group attention to details that consistently matches guest expectation made it one of the most admired employers in 2016. It employees about 4000 persons in India.

9. Intuit India Products. Intuit India gives its employees space and opportunity to grow. It increased the number of women employees in leadership positions from one to four. The company practices style of influence framework where one finds a suitable working style by interacting with others.

10. Paypal India. Paypal India won the 2nd place in the 2016 Great Place to Work Video Contest. Paypal values its workers, is innovative, and its employees work as a team.

The above companies offer the following incentives to their employees

  • Offer housing benefits
  • Provide mobile phone service plan
  • Provide credit cards to employees
  • Provide medical care facility
  • Provide onsite fitness centre
  • Provide onsite Childcare Centre

A reflection of the employees is a reflection of a company. Have friendly policies that grow your business to greater heights.


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