Indian Armed Forces, also known as “Bhartiya shashasastra sena” in Hindi. It is the military force of India, which consists of three professional uniformed sectors, Indian army, Indian navy, Indian air force. Plus, the Indian armed forces are also backed up the Indian coast guard and the paramilitary forces like Assam rifles and special frontier forces and several other inter-service commands like the Strategic Forces Command, the Andaman and Nicobar Command and the Integrated Defense Staff.
The supreme command of the Indian Armed Forces is the President of India. The Indian Armed Forces are also the world’s 2nd largest military force with a strength of over 1.4 million active personnel and the world’s largest volunteer army. For training professional soldiers of new generation military sciences, strategy and warfare command and associated technologies, Indian Armed Forces have established various staff colleges and academies all across India. Some of the institutes operated by the Indian Armed Forces are-
Rashtriya Indian Military College- The RIMC was founded on 13th March 1922, at Dehradun. The institute works with the purpose of training Indians who wish to become an officer in Indian armed forces. Although the institute does not operate under Indian armed forces it serves as a provider for candidates for the National Defense Academy, Khadakwasla (Pune), where the men who have passed the 12th are admitted as cadets to receive their initial training for the field they choose. The academy now run classes from 8th to 12th on CBSE pattern.
Sainik Schools- the Sainik schools are a system of schools in India founded and operated by the Sainik school society under the ministry of defence. They were founded by V.K. Krishna Menon, the defence minister of India at that time. There is 25 Sainik school covering each state of India, the school work with the object to prepare students for National Defence Academy and Indian Naval Academy.
National Defence Academy- The National Defence Academy is a joint Academy of the Indian armed forces. The trainees of the Indian army are trained in the institutes before they are appointed at their services. The academy is situated in Khadakwasla, Pune.
College of Military Institute- The training institute for the Indian army corps of engineers for the Indian army. The institute is situated in Dapodi, Pune. Established in the year 1943, the institute has provided with Combat engineers, Military engineering services, and Border road organisation.
So, these were some of the institutes operated by the Indian Armed Forces. There are more that can be added to the list.