India’s G20 Presidency: All You Need To Know

India's G20 Presidency

It is the first time India has assumed G20 Presidency on December 1, 2022, and is looking forward to the G20 summit that will take place in 2023. The Indian PM Narendra Modi has hailed the G20 as an “opportunity to showcase India’s capability to the world”. If you are not aware of G20 or what will be India’s Presidential role in the G20 proceedings, you have come at the right place. In this article, we will be discussing almost everything regarding G20 like G20 Summit, India’s G20 presidency, G20 theme, logo, agenda, latest activities etc. We also have a FAQ section below to answer your most-asked questions.

So, without any delay, let’s get started…

What is G20?

G20 or Group of Twenty is an international government forum of 19 countries and the European Union that addresses global financial issues.

G20 was founded in September 1999 owing to the situation of crisis in Asian financial systems.

Initially, G20 was headed by finance ministers informally but was eventually elevated to the Heads of State/Government level in 2008.

The G20 was designated as the “premier forum for international economic cooperation”.  Since 2011, the G20 Presidency came to be decided each year.

The G20’s tasks are distributed into two tracks – Finance Track and Sherpa track. Both these tracks held formal meetings where several dignitaries are invited to discuss on important global subjects.

What is G20 Summit?

G20 summit is the grouping/convening of G20 representatives and members at a defined venue for a set purpose like talks about emerging economic issues in the contemporary world and how solutions could be chalked out to address them.

The first G20 summit was held in 2008 in Washington DC, in the United States of America.

The G20 summit for 2023 will be held in India.

What are the Aims of G20?

The aims of G20 are to address global economic Issues like financial Stability, climate change mitigation, sustainable development, trade, energy, anti-corruption etc. Let us see how some of these factors lead to global economic crises:

Financial Issues:

Climate Change: Climate change like heatwaves lead to lesser work productivity. Hurricanes, floods, typhoons cause loss of life and property. Droughts are one of the major causes of agricultural and financial loss. According to a World Bank report, climate change could push 100 million people into poverty by 2030.

Trade: In a developing economy, if import is greater than export, it can lead to financial imbalance. This economic concerns extend to the larger world as well.

Unsustainable Development: Unsustainable development can have a direct impact on global financial aspects. For example, a drop in prices may force farmers to over-exploit natural resources. A situation of drought might bring the need to slaughter several animals that would have been useful for future use.

Who are G20 Member Countries?

Group of 20 is an integration and collaboration between industrialized and developing nations. The G20 member countries in their alphabetical order along with the EU are listed below:

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • China
  • France
  • Germany
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Republic of Korea
  • Mexico
  • Russia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • South Africa
  • Turkey
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • European Union

G20 also invites non-member countries like Bangladesh, Singapore, Nigeria, and Spain where the latter is a permanent invitee. It also draws participation from International and regional organizations for pre-summit meetings. Some of these international and regional organizations are as follows:

  • United Nations (UN)
  • World Health Organisation (WHO)
  • World Bank
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • International Labour Organisation (ILO)
  • African Union
  • Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • ISA
  • CDRI
  • Financial Stability Board (FSB)

G20 Global Percentage Share and Contribution

G20 accounts for = 80% of the global GDP

= 75% of international trade

= 2/3 of the global population

What is India’s G20 Presidency?

G20 Presidency is about assuming the leadership of the G20 Summit for a particular year. This presidential position is generally attributed to a country and its representatives.

Different countries are allowed to host the G20 Presidency.

India assumes G20 Presidency on December 1 2022 for the year 2023. In other words, India became the G20 President for 2023.

The representatives of the Head of State/Indian PM Narendra Modi’s personal emissaries, also known as Sherpas will be leading and monitoring the entire G20 process.

Recently, Sherpa Amitabh Kant highlighted the challenges that the global community is now facing.

According to the PM’s Office, the summit to be held in 2023 would be one of the highest-profile international gatherings in India.

G20 has no permanent secretariat or a charter.

The Venue of India’s G20 2023 marquee summit will be held in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.

India’s G20 Presidency will head the important international bloc and showcase the country’s strength and a tale of success to the entire world.

The G20 discussions will be held keeping in view the geopolitical tumult and uncertainty over post-pandemic recovery.

What is India’s G20 Theme?

India’s G20 theme is Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam or “one earth, one family, one future” which focuses on equal growth between all nations amidst the turbulent times, to build a better and sustainable future together.

The phrase, “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” which means “The World is One Family” is taken from the ancient Sanskrit text of the Maha Upanishad. The theme, therefore, highlights the importance of all forms of life and their interconnectedness on planet earth and in the universe.

What is India’s G20 Logo?

India’s G20 logo symbolizes the theme of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam which translates to “one earth, one family, one future”.

The logo has all the colors of the Indian flag-saffron, white, green, and blue.

The image of the earth in the logo is juxtaposed with the Indian national flower, the lotus which portrays progress despite setbacks.

The earth shares the message of India’s pro-planet approach to life that focuses on uniting people with the “lifestyle of the planet, for the planet, and by the planet”.

The word “Bharat” (India) is written below the logo in the Devanagari script.

TEXT FOR IMAGE: India’s G20 logo on Puri beach by artist Sudarshan Patnaik.

What is India’s G20 Agenda?

The incumbent Presidency, including the preceding and succeeding countries holding the Presidency (known as Troika), is responsible for deciding the agenda for G20 every year.

India’s G-20 agenda was forged through the tradition of collective decision-making.

The Sherpas look after the negotiations, discusses agenda items, and coordinates the activities of the G20.

The agenda is set keeping the current economic developments and the previous year’s tasks and goals in view.

India’s G20 agenda is a comprehensive one that plans to solve issues like counter-terrorism, supply chain disruptions and work on global unity.

As part of the G20 Agenda, the nation seeks to mitigate other problems like economic distress, and communal and social tensions.

India’s Preceding and Succeeding G20 Host Countries

India’s preceding G20 host country was Indonesia who in a handover ceremony, in the G20 Leaders’ Summit, Nusa Dua, Bali, handed over the G20 Presidency to India.

Indonesia was slated to assume the G20 Presidency in 2022 and held G20 summit in 2023 but since it will be holding the Chairmanship of ASEAN in the same year, the country decided to exchange timings with India.

India’s succeeding G20 countries are Brazil and South Africa.

G20 Presidency List with Dates, Host Leader, Venue, and Host City


List of G20 Summits
G-20 Summits Dates G20 Host Countries Venue & Host city Host leader
1st November 14th-15th, 2008 United States National Building Museum, Washington, D.C George W. Bush
2nd April 2nd, 2009 United Kingdom ExCeL London, London Gordon Brown
3rd September 2th -25th, 2009 United States David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh Barack Obama
4th June 26th-27th 2010 Canada Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto Stephen Harper
5th November 11th–12th 2010 South Korea COEX Convention & Exhibition Center, Seoul Lee Myung-bak
6th November 3rd–4th, 2011 France Palais des Festivals, Cannes Nicolas Sarkozy
7th June 18th–19th, 2012 Mexico Los Cabos Convention Center, San José del Cabo, Los Cabos Felipe Calderón
8th September 5th–6th, 2013 Russia Constantine Palace, Saint Petersburg Vladimir Putin
9th November 15th–16th,  2014 Australia Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane Tony Abbott
10th November 15th–16th,2015 Turkey Regnum Carya Hotel Convention Centre, Serik, Antalya Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
11th September 4th–5th 2016 China Hangzhou International Exhibition Centre, Hangzhou Xi Jinping
12th July 7th–8th 2017 Germany Hamburg Messe, Hamburg Angela Merkel
13th November 30th – December 1st 2018 Argentina Costa Salguero Center, Buenos Aires Mauricio Macri
14th June 28th- 29th, 2019 Japan Intex Osaka, Osaka Shinzō Abe
15th November 21st–22nd 2020 Saudi Arabia King Abdullah Financial District, Riyadh Salman
16th October 30th-31st 2021 Italy Rome Giuseppe Conte
17th November 15 -16, 2022 Indonesia The Apurva Kempinski, Bali Joko Widodo
18th September 9 – 10, 2023 India Pragati Maidan Convention Centre, New Delhi Narendra Modi
19th 2024 [Date to be announced] Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva


Latest G20 Activities in India

200 meetings across 50 cities in India will be organised as per the G20 Presidency plans. The G20 activities will enable wider participation through several activities from meetings and discussions to organising a selfie contest with the G20 logo across all social media platforms.

The Indian government plans to interact with 75 educational institutions, light up 100 monuments with the G20 logo, showcase G20 at the Hornbill festival, Nagaland with the sand artist Sudarshan Patnaik etching the logo on Puri beach.

The first Sherpa meet for India’s G20 Summit was held on December 4, 2022 at Udaipur, Rajasthan.

The G20 Finance Track organized a meeting with finance officials in Dec 2022 to discuss India’s economic and financial constraints.

Indian PM Narendra Modi is traveling abroad to call upon G20 leaders and other invitees to attend the G20 Summit 2023.

Foreign delegates and officials visiting India would boost tourism and local economies will be quite benefitted.

PM Modi urged all political parties to come together for G20’s success. He highlights that G20 is “not for one individual” and requires a collective consensus on statements.

Final Thought!

India has assumed great responsibility by taking the G20 Presidency baton from Indonesia. As already mentioned, India is in full fervour to ensure that G20 proceedings goes well. Meetings are taking place where the biggest economic concerns are talked over. A wide range of G20 activities are also organized every day to draw greater participation from people. With all such actions being taken, we too are looking forward like our Honourable Prime Minister towards a “Presidency of healing, harmony, and hope”.


What is the G20 Presidency of India?

The Group of 20 or the G20 has a Presidency that is determined by a global consensus every year. India assumed the G20 Presidency on December 1, 2022 from Indonesia (2021 Presidency).

Who is the current G20 president?

India is the current G20 President (December, 2022).

Who is Sherpa in G20?

A Sherpa is an emissary or representative of the Head of the State/Government that looks over the entire G20 proceedings. Amitabh Kant is one of the Sherpas in India who will preside over the G20 activities for 2022 and 2023.

What is Troika?

Troika is the top grouping within the G20 consisting of the preceding, current and succeeding presidencies.

What is the theme of India’s G20 presidency in 2022?

The theme of India’s G20 presidency in 2022 is “Vasudaiva Kutumbakam” meaning “one earth, one family, one future”.

When was G20 founded?

G20 was founded in 1999.

How many countries are there in G20?

There are 19 countries and the European Union in G20.

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