Top 10 Best Jobs for Computer Science (CS) Engineers

jobs for computer science engineers

The optimum number of engineers in a country can be very competitive although it can be well flourished in the number of jobs. Choosing a career after completing BE in computer science could be a  good choice depending upon the security of the future.

Simply speaking, Computer Science is the study of computers and its data analysis. It is very usual that computer science engineers go for many specialized fields. Here we will discuss 10 best jobs for computer science engineers.

Top 10 Best Jobs For Computer Science Engineers

1. Software Engineer

One of the most popular jobs for CSE students, a software engineer is one who applies through the designs, development and other software work appliances. The salary of an experienced software engineer in average includes over 8-10 lakhs per annum.

2. Data Scientist

The job of a data scientist include job wranglings, and they use their formidable skills in maths, statistics. An average data scientist IT earns a salary of 7-8 lakhs per year.

3. Computer Programmer

A computer programmer is a person who writes and is a specialist for codes for many kinds of software. A computer programmer may have a well ground knowledge of coding languages such as Java, C++, C. The average salary of a computer programmer is around 3-5 lakhs per year which increases with experience.

4. Software Developer

As a well-known concept, a software developer is a person who is connected with the facts of software development information, including research, designing programs and has a vast knowledge of computer software. People concerned with the software part of the computer science subject are the most prone ones to go for this job. Generally, a software developer earns a salary of 4-5 lakhs per year which increases with experience. People do need some high-quality skills in this job.

5. System Designer

The role of a system designer is to develop a plan and instructions which is for programmers. It is a very technical and high skilled role which requires highly skilled people as well. People who have a high rate of experience to build up their technical expertise and also have a very good record of working with customers and clients can go for this job. As per 2018 records, the average salary of a system designer is almost 4 lakhs annually.

6. Engineering Support Specialist

A person for an engineering support specialist is to be possessing practical engineering based on working experience. This has to be a supportive role in an engineering program or design. High-grade institutes offer a salary of almost 9 lakhs per year to an engineering support specialist.

7. Academic Research Editor

This kind of jobs offers working experiences in sectors like manuscript and editing types of services. It is made in such a way which can reach a large number of people. The average salary of an academic research editor is almost 5 lakhs per year.

8. Data Warehouse Analyst

Someone who designs methods for storing data as well as implements it is known as a data warehouse analyst. They earn an average salary of 4-5 lakhs per year.

9. E-commerce Specialist

This kind of people is required for merchandise jobs. An e-commerce specialist is a person who is very interactive with the user and the customer in the business operations. E-commerce specialist can fetch a salary of almost 1-3 lakhs per year.

10. Professor

The job of a computer science professor can be a good choice if one has a mastery over the subject. With institutes like NITs, IITs and IIS CSE professors earn good. Ranging from a salary of 80 thousand to ranging over 1 lakh. Many professors are living a well-desired life.


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