Smart Tips for FCI Management Trainee Exam


FCI or the Food Corporation of India conducts an entrance test for FCI management trainee recruitment. This job is sought after by a large number of people, as it is secure and appropriately well paying. As it is a government job it is high paying, and is targeted by many in India because government jobs in the country are much more secure than private ones.

The examination for management trainee contains posts that require different qualifications to apply. The posts include management trainee (general, movement, depot) and accounts. There are technical management trainee posts too (electrical, mechanical and civil). While the qualifications needed for general, movement and depot management trainee are just a graduation degree with 60% marks, the technical management trainee posts require a technical graduate degree in the relevant disciplines. Other than these there is also a management trainee accounts post and a management trainee Hindi post. MT account’s qualification is either an ICAI, management or a commerce degree. The syllabuses vary for these different exams.

Every year the FCI releases a notification regarding induction of management trainees, for which applicants need to apply through FCI online application until the last date. The different posts available for the differ management trainees are explained clearly in the FCI notification. Interested candidates should be on the lookout FCI exam date after a notification has been issued, and should fill up the registration form for relevant FCI vacancy. After that FCI sends admit cards to all the candidates allowing them to appear in the FCI exam, which is a written test.

All the management trainee examinations except for management trainee (MT) Hindi consist of a written test along with a group discussion and an interview. The MT Hindi post requires just the written test and interview. Group Discussion is not a requirement for this post. There are two papers in the written examination for all management trainee posts. Except for MT Hindi exam all other exams share a common paper. The common paper contains 120 MCQs (multiple choice questions) from reasoning, quantitative ability, data awareness and general awareness. The duration of this common paper is 90 minutes, which demands speed. The second paper depends on the posts applied for by the candidates. For example the paper for MT accounts has 120 MCQs on general accounting and finance while the M.T technical paper contains 120 MCQ’s on civil/mechanical/electrical engineering.

FCI Management Trainee Requirment 2018 Syllabus

FCI management trainee exam syllabus is not limited, so to crack the exam candidates need to do a smart study. Don’t try to cover everything, but cover the sections that hold more marks and are easy to understand. Always start your study with the section you know and can cover in a short duration, than moving to tough. FCI results depend totally on your level on preparation and your speed. It is always good to undergo mock test, as it help boost the preparation, and give a better idea of exam pattern.

There are a lot of good fci managments trainee books and questions banks available for the management trainee examinations from different publications. Several free online resources are also there to take help from. Depending on their specific and individualistic needs the candidates should select the ones that are right for them. The Kiran Prakhasan and Arihant Experts books for M.T exam are quite helpful to the students preparing for the position. Other than the books candidates should also solve a lot of mock papers. Mock papers provide a realistic idea of the preparedness level of a candidate and thus help them in finding their weak and strong spots.

Students should pay attention to their mock test results and analyze them. Analyzing the results will let them know about their strong and weak areas respectively. Doing so they will be having enough time to overcome their weak sections. More attention should be paid by the candidates on their weak areas as scoring low marks in even one section can damage your chances of selection. The candidates also should check the earlier question papers to get an idea of the exam pattern, exam syllabus, and difficulty level of the exam. Taking these steps can surely save a lot of time for the candidates, help them prepare smartly, and get better result.


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