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What’s New in Windows 11?

Windows 11 is officially launched, and I know you will be pretty much excited to know what all changes are introduced. Microsoft has improved the user experience by redesigning the desktop, added multitasking features, android app integration and much more which you will be amazed to know after reading this article.

Most of the people consider the newly launched windows 11 as a point update because there are not any performance changes. Obviously, new changes are made in terms of user interface but not many differences are seen if we compare the Operating system Windows 8 with Windows 10.

At first let’s discuss which PCs will support Windows 11.

Windows 11 Specifications

The requirements of the operating system are the main focus when you want to install it to your PC. The basic resources which you need to check are – processing capacity, availability of memory, display resolution and driver technology.  Although most of the newly launched laptops do support Windows 11 but if you want to know whether your PC actually support windows 11 then you should know the basic requirement for windows 11 is 4 GB RAM, which is double the RAM required to run windows 10. The storage required for Windows 11 is also double the requirement as compared to Windows 10. For clear understanding I have mentioned all the requirements in the table below:

  Windows 11 requirements Windows 10 requirements
Processor 1 GHz or faster (>2 cores on a 64-bit processor) 1 GHz or faster 
RAM 4 GB 1GB (32-bit OS) and 2GB (64-bit OS)    
Hard Drive 64GB or larger  16GB (32-bit OS) and 32Gb (64-bit OS)                                                                           
Graphics Card Compatible with DirectX 12 or later with WDDM 2.0 driver DirectX 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver 
Display 720p HD display >9″ diagonally with 8 bits per colour channel 800×600
  Windows 11 TPM requirement: TPM 2.0 Windows 10 TPM requirement: 1.2 or higher 

I have collected all the details from Microsoft’s website. The above table clearly depicts the differences in Windows 11 vs Windows 10 specifications.

After knowing the Windows 11 specifications you must be eager to know more about Windows 11 in depth.

Here, I am listing all the changes which are introduced in windows 11, so make sure you know how to use them if you are thinking to upgrade your Windows to Windows 11.

Also Read: What to Choose, Mac or Windows?

Windows 11 vs Windows 10: The Differences You Must Know

There are other changes too, if you have used MAC OS, then you will notice certain similarities in the interface of windows 11. The dialog boxes have round corners and pastel shade. The icons in Windows 11 give the feel of MAC OS. Many news effects and animations are introduced which were not seen in previous versions.

Wrap Up

Many changes are introduced in Windows 11 making it an advanced version of Windows 10, some of them are new animations, effects, android app integration, virtual desktop support among others. When comparing Windows 10 with Windows 11 I noticed that there are not any performance changes, however the main update is enhanced user interface. One of the difference which you will clearly notice is the position of start menu is on the center of the screen, the taskbar also includes the recently used apps, and the start menu is less cluttered which seems more pleasant than before. The reason behind such changes can be to improve the user experience on tablets.

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