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What is Web 3.0? How Different it is From Web 2.0?

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Web 3.0, Web 2.0 and Web 1.0 are all successive iterations of the internet or the World Wide Web. Web 1.0 was the earliest form of internet that came into being into the 1990s and continued till 2004 after which it was taken over by Web 2.0 that functions in modern day world. The next question that comes to our mind is “What exactly is Web 3.0?”. In this article, we will be talking about the same i.e., the definition of Web 3.0 and Web 2.0. We will also list out “the advantages and disadvantages of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 and also learn about the key differences between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0.

So, without delaying any further let us start our reading journey! 

What is web 2.0?  

Web 2.0 is an upgraded version of internet usage to the previously prevalent Web 1.0 that functioned in the era of the 1990s. Web 1.0 was a “read-only” internet facility where you could access static webages with interconnected hyperlinks and not interact with the web. With the inauguration of Web 2.0 all those things that couldn’t be done with Web 1.0 became possible.  

Now, there is heightened social connectivity, interactivity, and enhanced content generation by users. The content so generated in the form of blogging, social media posts, YouTube videos etc. can be accessed globally in a matter of a few seconds. Various top companies, particularly e-commerce platforms and brands have climbed the ladder of success by utilising the features of Web 2.0. The pandemic situation in the country has also accelerated the use of Web 2.0 by users globally.  

What is Web 3.0?  

Web 3.0 is an further upgrade to Web 2.0 that we are already using. It is still in the process of evolution that will overtake Web 2.0 in the future. Web 3.0 represents the latest technologies and services that operates on distributed ledger technology or blockchain technology. In web 3.0 data management is not vested with a central repository but rather a decentralised system where decisions will be based on distributed consensus. 

Web 3.0 uses AI for facilitating machine-to-machine interaction and also advanced analytics. In this decentralised network, data remains under the control of it’s owners and can be manipulated as per their will. Here, consumers or users are active participants who interact with websites to gain information or carry out other tasks. Some examples of Web 3.0 are technologies and Web 3.0 applications like Apple’s Siri, Wolfram Alpha, Brave Browser, Filecoin, LivePeer etc.  

Advantages of Web 3.0 

Data Ownership   

Enhanced internet power  

Fewer or no intermediaries  

Easy data recovery  

Pitfalls of Web 3.0  

Advantages of Web 2.0  

Pitfalls of Web 2.0  

Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0  

Final Thought!  

With innovation in the World Wide Web, the different versions of internet came into existence. Web 2.0 is a considerable shift from its preceding iteration Web 1.0 just like Web 3.0 is from Web 2.0. Web 3.0 is incredibly advanced that has several things on its list. Although we do not have any idea about what Web 3.0 will actually be, still we can guess it’s potential and the changes it will produce, technically, economically and socially. It would be quite right to call Web 3.0 revolutionary as it will bring revenues for businesses, empower users and creators. For now, we can keep our arms open to usher in the new internet 3.0 that will be a hallmark of progress and achievement.  

So, what is your take on Web 2.0 and Web 3.0?