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The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Lyndon B Johnson

The civil rights act 1964 was a path breaking act signed by the US government in many ways. This act was against segregation and discrimination in public places and employment based on sex, religion, colour, race etc. This is the achievement of the civil rights movement in The United States.

Here, we discuss:

This act was initially proposed by John F. Kennedy by was later signed officially by Lyndon B Johnson. The act was later expanded and made more stringent by legislating many other laws like voting rights act which gave many slaves and every American citizen the right to vote.

The Need for the Civil Rights Act

What is Civil Rights Act?

 The Civil Rights Act 1964 was landmark legislation in the United States as it outlawed any form of segregation and discrimination in public places and employment based on sex, race, religion, colour, national origin etc. It has done away with unequal application of voter registration and racial segregation in school, offices, and public places etc. Some of the key points in this Civil Rights Act are:

  1. As mentioned on the site History, apart from these the act has also prohibited the use of federal funds for any discriminatory program.
  2.  It also strengthened the voting rights of African American in the Southern States which were relatively weak in this aspect.
  3. The act authorised the department of education to desegregate school on the basis of race and colour.
  4. This law made way for much other progressive legislation which enhanced the voting power of African Americans by prohibiting literary tests and other discriminatory voting practices.

Lyndon B Johnson

Wrap Up

Lyndon B. Johnson was one of these Leaders of The Unites States who came to power at a very crucial time politically and socially. He was made the leader of a powerful nation overnight and much to the expectation of citizens he stood up and got the landmark act passed in the congress surviving a lot of opposition from the southern states.

The social reforms and progressive policies Lyndon rolled out have changed lives of many marginalised people of the country. They brought them out of suffering and discrimination of all kinds. The civil rights act was called as second emancipation. However the Vietnamese War and the way in which it was dealt has bought him a lot of criticism. This marred his political career and forced him to retire in a ranch in Texas. All these political moves which were both appreciated and criticised made him one of the greatest leaders the word has ever seen.