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Research Jobs in Indian Government Sector

Getting paid for researching in a field of your interest may seem like the description of an ideal  job for many but these research jobs aren’t for everyone. Government Organisations having research jobs generally don’t want inexperienced candidates, they prefer hiring skilled and experienced professionals to run their research operations. The requirements for research jobs is quite simple. The candidates generally should have a doctorate degree and a minimum of five years’ experience in a relevant field before being considered for a research position. Research jobs in the Indian government are plenty, but the intense competition and the stringent selection procedures insure that getting a government research job is definitely not a piece of cake.

Types of Research Job in Government Organizations

As most of the main organisations that have research positions, come under the central government, employees across these departments draw a similar salary. The pay for government research positions vary according to their scale. Generally the research positions are of three types.

Public Sector Organizations That Offer Research Jobs

Other than these there are similar other government positions too. The research part has become essential to any organisation as new techniques have a low self-life now. Due to the competition and awareness among the normal people, organisations have to keep on revamping their ideas and business methodologies, to maintain and improve their positions in the business market. This is where the research department comes into play. These departments often advise the organisations and ministries on the best course of action in order to get the best results possible. The meteorological department researchers and scientists for example, help the food production by providing the farmers with an access to accurate weather predictions.