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Nobel Prize 2021

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Nobel Prizes are normally conferred in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Peace, Literature and prize in  the field of Economic Sciences. The Nobel Prize was founded in 1895 in memory of Sir Alfred Nobel. As mentioned by Business Standard, Nobel Prize is a prestigious prize awarded separately in six different fields “to those who, during the preceding year, have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind”. Initially the prize was awarded in the fields of Medicine or Physiology, Physics, Chemistry, Literature, and Peace. Later in the year 1968, a prize in the field of economic sciences was added. The Prize is officially not a Nobel Prize but it is known as “The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel”. This sixth prize was established by Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden’s central bank).

About Alfred Nobel

Alfred Bernhard Nobel was a Swedish businessman, chemist, inventor, engineer, and philanthropist. Nobel was fluent in many languages, and wrote several drama and poetry. His interest in social and peace-related issues are clearly reflected in the prize he established. Nobel is best known for having bequeathed his fortune to the Nobel Prize institution, as well as for his important contributions to various fields in science.

Alfred Nobel patented the explosive nitroglycerin, as well as founded many companies, and patented gelignite and dynamite, among his other accomplishments. It was after the death of Alfred Nobel in the year 1896, when the Nobel Prize came into existence. The Nobel Prize was first awarded in the year 1901.

Nobel Prize 2021 Winners

Dmitry Muratov and Maria Ressa – Peace Prize 

David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian –  Physiology or Medicine

Guido Imbens, David Card and Joshua Angrist – Economic Sciences

The Prize in Economic Sciences is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden, as per the same principles as for the Nobel Prizes since 1901.

David Macmillan and Benjamin List – Chemistry

Abdulrazak Gurnah – Literature 

Giorgio Parisi, Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann –  Physics

A total of 186 Nobel Prizes has been conferred multiple times since commencement. As indicated by records, from 1901 to 2020, the Nobel Prize has been granted several times. Nobel Prize 2021 is an important topic for UPSC.