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Megaliths of India – A Promising History

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Megaliths are important evidences of the practices performed in prehistoric times. They held greater importance for the people of the past. Not simply that, megaliths continues to be significant in modern times as well. They are a rich source for important discoveries and findings that helps us get a glimpse of the past. This article presents the definition, types of megaliths in India and elaborates about relevant topics. These topics are chunked out in bullet points to help you gain clarity and memorize faster. 

If you are an UPSC aspirant, discussion on megaliths in India is a mandatory subject. Therefore, this article will be consequential to you as well. Without further ado, let’s get started. 

What Are Megaliths? 

Megaliths are larger stones that were arranged in prehistoric times to a set pattern to be used as burial sites or commemorative memorials. These megaliths were the earliest extant monuments built by humans. It also serves as evidence of the cultures of the past. The word megalith is composed of two Greek words, “megas” and “lithos” where means great and stone respectively. Thus, megalith means a great stone. 

The British historian Algernon Herbert referred to the Stonehenge as a megalith for the first time in 1849. Megaliths are of different types like dolmen, capstone, cist etc. and can consist of a single stone or many. They can be broadly divided into sepulchral and non-sepulchral ones. Sepulchral refers to the memorial stones devoid of human remains whereas non-sepulchral refers to large stones spread over a wide area. 

How Ancient is a Megalith? 

The Megaliths can be traced back to the Neolithic period internationally but in India they can be dated as back as the Iron Age (1500 BC-200 AD). They were erected in the Chalcolithic and the Bronze Ages as well. As per a general consensus, it is believed that because of trans cultural diffusion, the megalith culture scattered across different regions. However, modern scientists tend to vary taking these megaliths to be independent and coincidental inventions. 

Discovery of Megaliths in India 

The earliest megaliths in ancient India were discovered in the westernmost part of ancient India that presently belongs to Afghanistan. These megaliths comprised of stone circles. They can be dated before 3000 BC. According to recent findings in Southern India, they were constructed before 5000 BC. The first discovery of megaliths in India were carried out by Babington in 1823. 

Types of Megaliths 

These are some of the different megaliths that are found all over the world: 



Stone circles 

Capstone style 



Sites of Megaliths in India 

What Does Megaliths Convey About the Prehistoric Times? 

Significance of Megaliths 

Wrapping it!  

With the end of the topic of megaliths of India, we gathered some powerful information along the way that will aid our studies to a greater extent.  This rich history of the megaliths of India is a great topic for discussion as it has a lot to offer. Hopefully, this article has been able to justify its purpose of serving the inquisitive minds by relaying the exact information. For now, we can sit and anticipate the megaliths of India to snatch the headlines once again.