Open Naukri

Is Your Resume Checklist Ready?

Are you ready for a new job interview? Do you have an updated resume ready to grab the job? Here we have your resume checklist ready! Read on to know.

Your resume is a picture of your personality, skills and abilities. You are judged based on what your resume says about you. Resume is your first impression on an employer. Your resume may can get you job or reduce your chances of getting one. This reflects the importance of making your resume correctly. This resume checklist will help you will keep your resume safe from ending up in piles.

Your Resume Checklist

First Impression


Writing Style

Sections of a Resume 

Career Accomplishments


Wrap Up

Your resume show show the real you and your potentials. Some people include irrelevant personal information or fake experience to add value to the resume which directly takes their resume to waste bin. So follow the right format and keep your resume relevant. Good look!