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Calculation Made Simple With Vedic Mathematics

“Vedic” the term itself explains the content of the theory, where “Vedic Mathematics” is the solution for mathemaphobia (mathematical anxiety). The term “Vedic Mathematics” is given by Shri Bharati Krishna Thirthji Maharaj, when he rediscovered the ancient calculation system from Vedas.

It has a technique of calculation on a set of 16 sutras and their up-sutras, which helps to solve mathematical problems mentally.

Simple Trick for Addition

Normally we use to do a mathematical calculation on paper from right to left, but if we want to do rapid calculation mentally, we need to practice left to right calculations. The fundamental principle of mental mathematics is to simplify.

Let’s see some tricks and techniques:

1. Simple Technique to solve 2 digits addition:

e.g.: 58 + 23

To solve this mentally, first, add 20 to 58 and then add 3 to the new number.

58 + 20 = 78 + 3 = 81

2. Simple Trick to solve 3 digits addition:

e.g.: 635 + 346

To solve this mentally, first, add 300 to 635 and then 40 to the new number and then 6 to the other new number.

635 + 300 = 935 + 40 = 975 + 6 = 981

3. Easy trick to do addition with the help of Subtraction:

e.g.: 421 + 296

To solve this mentally, first, add 300 to 421 and then subtract 4 from the new number.

421 + 300 = 721 – 4 = 717

Easy Trick For Finding Square of Numbers

Square of a number is a multiplication of the same number with itself. For squaring the number easily and quickly, this statement is useful “whatever the extent of its deficiency, lessen it still further to that extent, and also setup the square of that deficiency.” This can be applicable for squaring any number. We should work with the nearest base.

1. Square with the nearest base:

e.g.: 8 x 8

Using the technique, ” all from 9 and the last from 10″

8          -2

8          -2


6          4

Left side: 8 + 8 – 10 = 6

Right side: (-2) x (-2) = 4

so, 8 x 8 = 82 = 64

2. Square of numbers ending with 5:

To calculate the square of the number ends with 5 quickly, understand this statement: “By one more than the one before

e.g.: 35 x 35

3 x 4 / 5 x 5

12 / 25

= 1225

You just need to multiply with one more digit added to the left digit and squaring the right digit.

3. Rapid method for squaring 2 digit number:

To do the rapid calculation of 2 digit number, you need to use a mathematical equation in a little different way: a2 / 2ab / b2  

e.g.: 242

a = 2

b = 4

therefore, (2)2 / 2(2×4) / (4)2

= 4 / 16 / 16

moving from right to left: ones digit is 6 from 16. Now add 1 from last 16 to the mid 16. So the total will be 17. Therefore our tens digit will be 7. Now again add 1 from 17 to the first digit 4. It will give you hundreds digit, that is 5. Combining all digits together:

Hundreds: 5

Tens: 7

Ones: 6

So the answer is: 576

Easy Tricks for Multiplication

There are so many tricks and techniques to solve multiplication problems. With Vedic Maths, we can do easy multiplication of 2 digit numbers, 3 digit numbers, 3 digit numbers to 2 digit numbers and so on.


 Here is the very easy trick to multiply any number with digit 5, which can be done mentally by just 2 steps.

e.g.: 48 x 5

step i: first multiply 48 with 10 = 480

step ii: divide the new number by 2 = 240

So, the answer is 240


We can easily multiply any number with number 20. That can also be done mentally by just 2 steps.

e. g.: 623 x 20

step i: first multiply 623 with 2 = 1264

step ii: then multiply the new number with 10 = 12640

So, the answer is 12640


The word ‘base’ in Vedic Math has a deeper meaning than we may be used to. We work in a base 10 number system, but within Vedic Maths the ‘base’ is the number we will use as a basis for calculation.

Multiply the numbers in the right-hand column to find the right part. If the product has more digits than base allows then the remaining part at the left- hand digit is carried over, or we can expand the sum to deal with this.

1. Multiplication with base 10:

e.g.: 7 x 8

according to the nearest base, that is 10

7          -3

8          -2


5          6

Left side: (7 + 8) – 10 = 5

Right side: (-3) x (-2) = 6

Therefore, 7 x 8 = 56

2. Multiplication with base 100:

e.g.: 82 x 96

according to the nearest base, that is 100

82        -18

96        -4


78        72

Left side: (82 + 96) – 100 = 78

Left side: (-18) x (-4) = 72

Therefore, 82 x 96 = 7872

3. Multiplication with base 1000:

e.g.: 1045 x 996

according to the nearest base, that is 1000,

1045    +45

996      -4


1041    -180

Left side: (1045 + 996) – 1000 = 1041

Right side: (45) x (-4) = (-180)

additional step: here for multiplication with base 1000, we need to expand the sum and add:

(1041) x (1000) + (-180) = 1040820

How To Predict A Person’s Birth Date?

(with the help of Quick Calculation of Vedic Maths)

With the help of this modern technique you can predict the date of birth of any persons, also if they are there in the group. You can predict simultaneously of everyone present there. You can try this magical quick and rapid calculation with your family members, friends, relatives, colleagues and even in parties.


(a) Ask the person to take the number of the month in which he was born.

e.g.: 1 for January, 2 for February, 3 for March, so on and so for.

(b) Next step is, ask him to double the number

(c) Now tell him to add 5 in the new number

(d) Then multiply the resultant number with 5

(e) Put a zero behind the last new number

(f) Now ask him to add his date of birth (If he is born on 5th January then add 5)

After the steps are over, ask him to tell you the final answer.

Now here is the main trick, by getting the final answer from the person, you can easily predict the birth date of that person.


From the answer that you get from that person, you can do the calculation mentally:

• By subtracting the last two digits by 50 and you will have the date

• Now, subtract 2 from the remaining digits and you will have the month.

Thus, in this simple way, you will easily get the person’s date of birth.

e.g.: Let us do it with one example. My date of birth is 18th March. Then we would have worked out the steps as follows:

  1. Take the number of month: 3 (as its March)
  2. Double the number: 6
  3. Now add 5: (6 + 5) = 11
  4. Multiply the new number with 5: (11 x 5) = 55
  5. Put a 0 behind the last answer: 550
  6. Add my birth date: (550 + 18) = 568

Now, we need to do the mental calculation with the latest new number we got after the sequential calculative steps:

First: Subtract last two-digit by 50: (68 – 50) = 18 ( this is my birthdate)

Secondly: Subtract 2 from the remaining digit of the answer we got from sequential calculation: (5 – 2) = 3 ( this is my birth month)

Here is the Final Answer: 18th March

Hope you enjoyed this magical calculation of Vedic Maths!