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What is the Difference Between Epidemic and Pandemic?

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There are many terms that are continually being confused across the entire population, one of which is an epidemic versus a pandemic. There are a few similarities between an epidemic and a pandemic, but there are also key differences that make the two very different. Knowing how to differentiate the two will help you better understand the world of diseases.

What is an Epidemic?

An epidemic is a sharp, general increase in the occurrence of some infectious disease with expanding spread over a large area within a short period of time. An epidemic is a widespread outbreak of an infectious disease which affects many people at the same time.

What is a Pandemic?

A pandemic is a disease that affects many people of the same species or type in the entire world. An epidemic is just a strain at the country level spread through an entire region. That sounds dramatic, but there is just one symptom. It’s not a pretty one. Among the worst disasters in recorded history were two pandemics: the Plague of Athens, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis in 542 BC; and the Black Death, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis during 14th century Europe.

Pandemic is also known as a viral disease outbreak, but pandemics happen when the number of cases increase beyond a specific population in developed regions and spreads to other countries, regions and continents.

Differences Between Epidemic and Pandemic

Who’s at Risk During an Epidemic/Pandemic?


In order to understand the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic, it is important to understand the world at large. An epidemic is a sudden and widespread occurrence of an infectious disease within a community or in a region. Pandemics are any epidemics that are caused by new strains of an old disease as well as those epidemics that can happen anywhere.