Weekly Current Affairs Quiz – 3 to 9 August 2020

Weekly Current Affairs Quiz

How good is your general awareness? Now is the time to test, give a try to this weekly current affairs quiz to know where you stand in general knowledge. Check answers only after you have answered all the questions and share your score in the comments below.

Award one mark for every correct answer and deduct noting for wrong. The rules are easy, let’s start the quiz:

Current Affairs Quiz

Question 1: Which fund has been recently launched by Indian Prime Minsiter Narendra Modi to improve the overall income of farmers and farm gate prices?

Question 2: Who has been appointed as new CAG of India?

Question 3: Maharashtra Government has signed an agreement with which tech company to strengthen online education?

Question 4: Who has been ranked fourth-richest person in the world by recently released Bloomberg Billionaires Index ?

Question 5: WHO is asking for $15 million for covering the emergency health needs in _____ following the August 4 explosion.

Question 6: As per the new lending norms of RBI, startups come under which sector?

Question 7: US bans transactions with which to Chinese apps?

Question 8: Who has been appointed as the new chairman of the UPSC?

Question 9: First _____________ rail to run between Maharashtra and Bihar.

Question 10: The test flight of which unarmed missile was conducted by the US?

Current Affairs Quiz Answers

Answer 1: Indian PM has recently launched the Agri Infra Fund with the aim to improve overall income of farmers and farm gate prices. The fund of Rupees 1 trillion to be utilized to provide better warehousing and storage facilities to the farmers. The scheme’s objective is to offer medium-to-long term debt financing for post-harvest storage and marketing of farm produce.

Answer 2: Girish Chandra Murmu has been appointed as the new Comptroller & Auditor General (CAG) of India with effect from 8th August 2020, he succeeds Rajiv Mehrishri. Prior joining this post Mr. Murmu was the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu & Kashmir.

Answer 3: Maharashtra government and technology giant Google Inc. has signed an agreement to strengthen the infrastructure of online education in the state. Under the agreement, the teachers and students of the state will get access to Google Classroom and G Suite for Education.

Answer 4: Recently released Bloomberg Billionaires Index has named Mukesh Ambani, the Chairman of Reliance Industries, as the fourth wealthiest person in the world. He stands at fourth rank with a net worth of $ 80.6 billion.

Answer 5: WHO is asking for $15 million for covering emergency health needs in Lebanon following the August 4 explosion at Beirut Port which took life of around 150 people left 5000 people injured.

Answer 6: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) under its new lending norms has placed startups under the purview of priority sector guidelines (PSL). This move is to make it help startups raise funds easily from banking sector. As of now, the sectors under the PSL include MSMEs, Housing, agriculture, Education among others.

Answer 7: A couple of executive orders are issued by the US President that would ban any transactions of US with Chinese companies that own WeChat and TikTok, taken as a measure in the interest of national security. This will come in effect in the next 45 days.

Answer 8: Professor Pradeep Kumar Joshi, who served as
the Chairman of both Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission, is appointed as the new Chairman of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).

Answer 9: The first ‘Kisan Rail’ services by Railways will run between Maharashtra and Bihar. The rail will start transporting perishable goods vegetables and fruits from 7th August 2020. The train will run on a weekly basis, it will start from Nashik in the morning to reach Danapur, Bihar by next day evening.

Answer 10: The first test flight of unarmed Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile was conducted by the US from California with target in the Pacific Ocean. Minuteman 3 is a guided ballistic missile that has a minimum range of 5500 kilometres, which are mainly used for the delivery of nuclear weapons. 


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