Weak in Aptitude? Do These to Crack Bank Exam


Do you think you are very weak in Aptitude? Do you wonder what you need to do to crack Bank Exams? Do you have a plan to appear for Bank exams? If yes, you should know that you need a good level of preparation to crack it. The competition is every increasing and demands right strategy to win the position.

Pattern of Bank Exams 

Bank exams include five different sections and every section is equally important. If you’re good in English, but weak in quantitative aptitude, it will be difficult for you get shortlisted. In banking exams, time limit is set for every section and candidate need to react sectional as well as overall cut off. In order to be successful in bank exams you must master every section, with a special focus on aptitude.

Weak in Aptitude? Try These

The article shares tips and tricks for those who are weak in aptitude:

  • A smart preparation is vital for success. Aptitude is one of the most important sections of the bank exams that can help you score well. If you are not good at calculations, you need to practice a lot to improve the skill, as last minute cramming will not help here.
  • Aptitude needs a sophisticated level of understanding and knowledge of the calculation skills. It includes questions related to arithmetic, which means you need to know percentage, division, ratios, and fractions. An accurate and fast calculation is a need to score good in aptitude section of any competitive exam. You cannot use a calculator in bank exams, so you should manually be able to do fast and accurate calculation.
  • Aptitude includes only basic mathematical skills, you do not need to be an expert in mathematics to score good in this numerical reasoning section. The key to score good in this section is practice, practice and practice. Take help from internet for improving your aptitude and mathematical skills. There is no standby for preparation and practice, so work on it.
  • Several resources are available online for bank exam preparation. There are many YouTube channels that are focused on bank exams. You will even find free sample papers and mock tests for bank exams.
  • Aptitude is something which is based on logics, you yourself need to master those logics you are weak at. You must also be aware about the current exam pattern and competition level.
  • Preparation is the key to success, scoring good in the aptitude section in bank exam can increase your chances of getting through the exam. So avoid using calculator for making calculations in daily life. This will help improve your mathematical skills.

These Tips Will Help in Bank Exam Preparation

The most important things is that you must have an urge for learning aptitude. Keep the below points in mind before you start preparing aptitude for bank exam.

  • Good Planning,
  • Get good study material,
  • Consistent practice,
  • Presence of mind,
  • Time management

Last but not the least, to improve your aptitude skill, you should play with numbers, use Vedic mathematics, use abacus, and learn tricks for solving complex numerical problems, which include complex addition, multiplication, and averages.

These Topics are Important 

Here I share some important topics from Aptitude that are asked in bank exams.

  • Time and Work
  • Ratio and Proportions
  • Percentages
  • Time, distance, and speed
  • Probability
  • Coordinate Geometry
  • Permutations and Combinations

So learn the concepts correctly, apply them smartly and then practice, practice and practice till you master them.

The Bottom Line 

Now you know study Aptitude for Bank Exam Preparation. These tips will be beneficial when combined with right bank exam books. The most popular banking exams are IBPS, SBI, and RBI exams. Most of the government banks recruit candidates through IBPS exam, while SBI and RBI conduct separate exams.

With the above-mentioned tips, you will improve on your aptitude skills, solve sample aptitude test easily, and will find the aptitude questions and answers interesting.

We wish you all the luck of the exam!


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