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Understanding Cell Organelles and Comparing Plant and Animal Cell

In General Science, Biology is one of the most important topic for competitive exams. It is the scoring subject for competitive exams like SSC, UPSC, Bank exams, IAS, PSU, BSSC, IES, NTPC, RRB, BHEL, IOCL, etc. Though Biology is a very vast subject, by understanding its basic concept you can increase your performance level and grab good marks.

Also readCompetitive Exams After 12th

Here, in this article I have described a very basic and important topic of Biology in an elaborated way to get cleared with the concept.

The topics which are covered in this article are:

Before jumping to the Cell Organelles, you must understand what a cell is.

Cell is fundamental, functional and structural unit of an organism. Within a selective permeable membrane, it contains a set of different kind of units, that helps in the growth and reproduction of cell by converting simple nutrients. These different kind of collective units are known as Cell Organelles.

What Are Cell Organelles?

Cell Organelles are the functional unit within the cell, having specialized role in the cell growth.

If the term Organelle is split then,

Organ: the structure has specific vital function in organism

elle: is the suffix, express the term of diminutive, means smallness of any object.

Organelles in Eukaryotic cells include: Cell wall, Cell membrane, cytoplasm, Nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, etc. lets learn their structure and functions individually.

Cell Wall

Functions of Cell Wall

Cell Membrane

Functions of Cell Membrane


The term Cytoplasm itself explains the meaning:

Functions of Cytoplasm


Due to presence of double membrane organization, mitochondria has 5 distinct structural parts:

It is available in both Animal Cell and Plant Cell.

Functions of Mitochondria


Functions of Ribosomes


There are three types of plastids:

Functions of Plastids

The main role of plastids is manufacturing and storage of food in cell

According to their functions they are divided into some types:


Function of Vacuole


It is composed of three types of filaments:


Intermediate filaments


Functions of Cytoskeleton

Endoplasmic Reticulum

According to the structure, it has been divided into 2 types:

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER)

Functions of ER

Golgi Bodies

It has 3 compartments:

Animal cells have fewer and larger Golgi apparatus, whereas Plant cells can contain as many as several hundred smaller versions.

Functions of Golgi Bodies


Functions of Lysosomes


Functions of Nucleus

Comparison of Cell Organelles of Plant Cell and Animal Cell

Plant and animal cells are both eukaryotic cells, thus are structurally very similar . They both contain membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria, nucleus, golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, peroxisomes and lysosomes. However, Plant cells can be larger than animal cells.

  Cell Wall present formed of cellulose absent
Cell Membrane present with cell wall only cell membrane
Cytoplasm less granular and thin more granular and dense
Mitochondria less in number more in number
Ribosomes YES YES
Plastids present absent
 Vacuole Large: takes 90% of cell volume small or absent
Centrosomes absent present
Endoplasmic Reticulum present present
 Golgi Bodies hundreds in number fewer and large in size
 Lysosmes rare always present
Nucleus located one side of periphery located in the center

Wrapping Up

Cell and cell organelles is an important topic for competitive exams, to help you score good in this section, I have discussed it in detail, along with a comparison chart of plant and animal cell organelles.

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