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Margaret Thatcher: A Celebrated Leader who Set Her Country on New Course

Margaret Thatcher was a political leader who died at the age of 87. She served as Prime Minister in Britain and was a political phenomenon. Historical, Margaret Thatcher was the first woman to be elected and lead major western power. She was also the longest-serving Prime Minister, most defensive and dominant. Margaret Thatcher was a global figure who served her country well according to a report by The Guardian.

Here, we discuss

Let’s begin…

Early Life of Margaret Thatcher

She was born on 13th October 1925 in Lincolnshire, England. She is the only woman from Britain to win three consecutive terms in the 20th century.

Margaret Thatcher Career as a Prime Minister

In a report released by Britannica, they said that Margaret led the conservatives and got an electoral victory in 1979. That was after a series of major strikes in the previous winter which was termed as “Winter of Disconnect.” She won the sit using James Callaghan Labor Party.

Serving as a prime minister back then, Margaret Thatcher did represent a new energetic wing of her Conservative Party. Moreover, she also advocated greater independence of individuals in the state where she

Her name Thatcherism had a meaning and it refereed to policies and other aspects of her ethical look such as moral absolutism, personal style, and fierce nationalism.

Her First Term as a Prime Minister

Her Second Term as Prime Minister

As part of her winning back economy, Margaret Thatcher embarked with an ambitious program that helped in the privatization of public services and state-owned industries including television and radio, aerospace, water, gas and electricity, British steel, and the state airline. At the end of the 1980s, there was a triple of individual stockholders where the government had already sold more than 1.5 million of the public-owned houses.

Margaret Thatcher won 3rd consecutive term on 11th June 1987

According to Gulf News, Thatcher did win a third term on 11th June 1987. It was a historical record as she swept another straight term as a Prime Minister.

Achievements of Margaret Thatcher

The Final Thought

Margaret Thatcher, famously known as “Iron lady” was a great leader who lost her life as an icon in society. Many people uttered tearful remembrances including former USA president Barack Obama and the press all over the world. Thousands also walked in the streets of the UK as they celebrated a well-lived life of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. However, not all people loved her, because others described her as beneath all human decency, horrible, and tasteless according to a report from The Nation, but most people did praise her.

It was a great achievement in how she revived the economy of Britain. Do you also think that most governments should follow her steps?