Government Jobs: What is Your Best Fit?

government jobs

Before 2007, the most secure job in India was any kind of government job. Be it banks, post offices, or any other. This was primly because of two reasons. One was enjoyable working hours and the second was lifetime pension after retirement. The pension, not a fixed one but recurring as and when there will be a revision in the salary structure by the government.

The working hours of most of the government employees would start from 10.30 am and end at 5.30 pm. These hours are far better than the hours in a private job, whereas such working hours are not fixed. That means they are on paper but one cannot challenge the management if they are required to work more hours than the designated ones. Since there is no pension scheme in private jobs, most of the youth used to try for government jobs. Another advantage of government jobs was the simple criteria of the selection for jobs.

It’s not there are only plus. There are some hidden negatives also. We will discuss all probabilities.

Best Things About Government Job

  • Benefits:

There are many benefits to a government job better than a private job in terms of additional benefits. Medical aid provided with maximum risk cover, sometimes one gets 100% financial support in major illness of the employee or his/her family member. Other than the medical field, government employees get more leaves.

  • Stability:

Government jobs are most stable because unlike private companies, any government job will not have a threat. Government offices cannot be closed all of a sudden. Companies can go out of business but the government never does.

  • Flexibility:

Working hour’s flexibility is a great benefit for the government employees. There has been no penalty in case of late coming. Even the habitual latecomers are spared. Those who need to work out of office premises, get good perks on outdoor duties. Depending on the position one can get a car with a driver for commuting from home to the office or at the workplace outside of the office.

  • Free Time:

Government employees can maintain their work-life balance owing to the easy leaves and flexibility offered. The fixed working hours and more paid leaves help them to spend more time with family.

The Hidden Things About a Government Job

  • Slow growth:

There has been an incidence that government employees got retired by working on the same post he joined. It is not very surprising to see this as the government structure is such that it does not allow many people to grow and jump next level. This is because; say there will be 1000 candidates for 1 promotion. So it becomes a tough job to get growth both salary and position wise.

  • Low payout at higher position:

An executive in the private sector earns much more than that of the government sector. But there is a difference in the type of responsibilities. Where in the private sector, the higher position tends towards more unsecured jobs, in the government sector it is not so.

  • Power of control:

It is seen in the government sector that things move on ever so slowly. The system does not allow one person to be the final decision-maker. This leads not only the seeker frustrated but also the initiator of the file. There is a long approval process for each minor and major decision.

Perks of a Government Job

  • Work of 8 hours:

One does not need to work beyond 8 hours in a government job. It is one of the written guidelines of government job. Even if the work remains incomplete one doesn’t have to stay back to complete it. In many private companies, one might have to work for 10 to 12 hours.

  • Salaries are incompetence with the private sector:

In government jobs, salaries are incompetent with the private sectors. In some of the government jobs, it is better than private jobs.

  • Leaves per year:

Some government offices have 5 day week, which means an off on Saturday and Sunday. Most of the government offices will have Saturday half-day work. This is quite in contrast with private companies where some people won’t get an off even on Sunday, they follow roaster off. Apart from weekly off, the paid holiday list will be 3 times bigger than that of the private sector paid leaves. Also, the government sector offers more earned, casual, and sick leaves than that of the private sector.

  • Pension:

Pension scheme even though changed, give assurance that those who fall under it will be paid a specific monthly amount after retirement, that too with revision, whenever happens.

  • Residential support:

 Based on the position you hold, if you are staying out of your hometown, you will be getting free accommodation or good perks in terms of HRA. If you are getting free accommodation for a higher position, you need not pay electricity bills, or water bills.

  • Medical Expenses:

The biggest benefit of perks in a government job is medical benefit. Major offices will provide good hospitalization and the bills are also fully paid by the government. This is not only one-time support but whenever it is needed, the support is extended.

  • Job Security:

The government jobs are said to be the most stable and lifetime jobs, as pension is also provided. Even if one is not able to carry out outstanding work, he can do very average work and carry on forever. This is because of the nature of the allotted job. It does not require high skills to perform day to day work.

  • Loans with Less Interests:

Another tempting perk of a government job is that the loans are given at very low interests to government employees. There is a provision made by the government and all relevant banks have been notified of the rate of interest for government employees.

There are many branches of the government’s services. All have their structure and laid down the mechanism of working. Those who seek top government jobs or simply government jobs have to undergo a specific written and oral test, or physical and oral, wherever required. Just applying and passing the interview will not assure a government job. For the banking sector, for railways, for civil services, tests and interviews takes usually a very long period.

Every year there will be many exams conducted by the government for their recruitment. This is required as several employees are getting retired each year and the posts have to be filled, plus there will be some new projects which will need youth employment. However government jobs 2020 has had some limitations due to the lockdown to fight against COVID-19. Government jobs in 2020 are comparatively still open.

Some people have high ambitions in their life and they aspire high paying government jobs. This can be for mainly two reasons, they need to earn more money or they need a higher post to try improvising some sections which they feel, are lagging. They want to help the downtrodden and uplift them.

High Paying Jobs in Government

  • Indian Foreign Services:

Civil Services Examination conducted by Union Service Public Commission for recruitment of various posts and Indian Foreign Services is one of them. Foreign Services is tipped to have the highest payout among the services.

  • IAS and IPS:

These recruitment also take place by UPSC. The successful candidates get a high salary and also a big bungalow facility as a residence. IAS or APS is decided as per their secured marks under different section.

  • Indian Forest Services:

For those who enjoy being in the company of nature, this job gives them the best opportunity. Their field of work requires them to be in the wildlife and forest area. They will get big houses with helper facilities to live in and also a vehicle with a driver.

  • Defense Services:

NDA, CDS, AFCAT, and similar exams are held. The successful candidate gets into Defense Services. Though this is a challenging and risk owned service there are very good chances of achieving a high level. They are provided a good big house and free ration. They have to live in specific colonies set up especially for defense people.

These two are the government-owned institutions where the most dynamic and best engineers can get jobs.

  • RBI Grade B Officer:

This post can be achieved by the interested candidates simply by appearing to the RBI exams. This post also has strong promotion chances in the future.

  • PSU Jobs:

This job is freely open for the candidates of engineering and preference is giving to those people who have an interest in government jobs rather than the private sector.

  • State Service Commission:

The all-over salary of the people on this post is very handsome amount and it can also vary from state-to-state.

  • Ministry of External Affairs ASO:

The people on this post get a good salary and they also get separate accommodation other than their regular salaries.


After seeing all the advantages and perks of government jobs, the answers is clear for why India people have a craze for government jobs. Government jobs over private jobs is still a preference for many, while many like to work with Private sector. It is just a comparison, but both the sectors have their own benefits and cons. If you are not sure what is your cup of tea, ask career counsellors at Opennaukri, they will answer your every question. Choice is yours, we wish you all the luck for your career.


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